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Top 10 Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes by Make in Florida

Fatal car accidents are no unique occurrence in Florida, as distracted driving and an increase in drivers both contribute to increase levels of risk on the road. A recent seven-car accident in Lake County highlights the dangers of any car accident, as two people passed away due to the events of the accident. While the […]

Transportation Alternatives in Florida

With so many different transportation alternatives in Florida, it’s fair to say that America’s car culture is in a slump. If you’ve been commuting to and from work in your personal vehicle, it can take you out of your comfort zone to think about trying a new mode of transportation to get to the office. […]

What happens when you get a DUI in Florida?

Driving Under the Influence is against the law in all 50 states. It’s no secret that alcohol can dramatically impair your judgment and slow your reaction time when you’re operating any motorized vehicle. In fact, some states have even outlawed riding a bicycle while you’re currently inebriated. If you live in Florida and you like […]

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