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The 8 Best Roads for Bicycling in Florida

Here's what you need to know...
  • When riding a bicycle, be sure to follow traffic laws and ride defensively
  • Motorists share the road with cyclists and should also be knowledgeable about traffic laws involving bicycles
  • Whether you are a cyclist or a motorist, find an insurance policy that will help you if your get into an accident or are the victim of a theft
  • Bicycles are a terrific source of transportation if you want to get exercise, help the environment, and save money
  • Florida has several good trails for biking, walking, running, and several other fun outdoor activities

There are several reasons why bicycles are a popular choice of transportation in Florida. Riding a bike is a great way to get exercise without going to the gym or using heavy, expensive equipment at home.

Riding a bike, rather than spending gas money to drive a car or buying a bus pass to use public transportation, is also a great option if you are trying to save money.

According to Planet Save, riding a bike to work is a convenient way to get your dose of daily exercise while saving money and helping the environment. Bicycles have a low carbon footprint, which makes them good for the environment.

Group bike rides are a fun, easy way to spend time with loved ones and enjoy the outdoors.

A good road for bicycling will typically have several twists and turns, which will make the ride more exciting and exhilarating.

The road should also have varying degrees of elevation, in order to ensure that there are plenty of climbs and descents. As safety is a number one priority when riding a bike, Men’s Fitness reports that a good road for riding a bike should also be well-paved and flat.

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The 8 Best Roads for Bicycling

#1– Blackwater Heritage State Trail

Length: 9 miles
Best Feature: Choice of paved or natural, unpaved trail

The Blackwater Heritage State Trail is known as a National Recreation Trail and is part of Florida’s Greenways and Trails System.

The road has paved trails for general activities like biking, running, and walking, as well as an unpaved equestrian trail. Plenty of native wildflowers, wooden bridges, and peaceful creeks are sure to make your journey more enjoyable.

#2 – Lines Tract Trail

Length: 9 miles
Best Feature: Beautiful scenery in the pine uplands

The Lines Tract Trail is an exciting, twisting trail that winds through dense trees. A peaceful walk or bike ride along this trail provides breathtaking views of Lake Talquin. With flat areas, as well as more challenging stretches, this trail is perfect for both beginners and intermediate riders.

#3 – Nature Coast State Trail

Length: 32 miles
Best Feature: Historic significance

The Nature Coast State Trail used to be the site of the Atlantic Coastline Railroad. Walk along the trail to experience the same journey that steamships and freight trains took in the early 1900s.

The Nature Coast State Trail also provides plenty of eco-tourism and heritage-tourism opportunities for attendees.

#4 – West Orange Trail

Length: 20.8 miles
Best Feature: Butterfly garden

The West Orange Trail is home to a lovely butterfly garden at the Tildenville outpost.

Be sure to stop and view the colorful creatures while you walk or ride along the trail. If you do choose to ride, bike rentals are conveniently available on the West Orange Trail at the Killarney Station and the Winter Garden Station.

#5 – Suncoast Trail

Length: 41.3 miles
Best Feature: Native species of plants

There are several different types of landscapes throughout the Suncoast Trail. The trail includes suburban, agricultural, and natural areas. There are also several fun towns located a short distance from the trail, including Tampa, New Port Richey, Land O Lakes, and Brooksville.

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#6 – Upper Tampa Bay Trail

Length: 17 miles
Best Feature: Fun activities

The Upper Tampa Bay Trail offers barbecue grills, bird watching, equestrian trails, biking, fishing, hiking trails, picnic shelters, playgrounds, walking trails, and has plenty of restrooms.

The Upper Tampa Bay Trail has everything you need to have a wonderful day filled with fun activities. However, keep in mind that each vehicle has a fee of $2 and a limit of 8 passengers.

#7 – Shark Valley Tram Road Trail

Length: 15 miles roundtrip
Best Feature: Shark Valley Observation Tower

The Shark Valley Tram Road Trail is a flat, paved road that is perfect for bicycles, tram rides, and peaceful walks. The trail is surrounded by native wildlife, including animals such as alligators, herons, egrets, deer, turtles, and snails.

The Observation Tower, located halfway through the trail, provides stunning panoramic views of the entire trail and surrounding area.

#8 – Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail

Length: 106 miles
Best Feature: Tropical scenery

The Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail often crosses from bayside to oceanside. Trail-goers have scenic views of bright green trees and the surrounding aquamarine ocean. With over 100 miles of scenic bliss, this trail is perfect for a peaceful bike ride or day out with the family.

Safety Tips for Cyclists

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, crashes involving bicyclist deaths account for two percent of all traffic deaths. When an accident occurs between a cyclist and a motorist, it is likely that the cyclist will be injured.

It is extremely important for bicyclists to adhere to traffic laws to avoid accidents.

The League of American Bicyclists states that in all 50 states, including Florida, bicyclists must follow the same laws as other drivers. Be sure to adhere to the following traffic laws:

  • Ride on the right-hand side of the roadway
  • Yield to crossing traffic
  • Yield when changing lanes
  • Always pass to the left of vehicles
  • Ride three feet to the right of traffic
  • When there is a lane that is used for more than one direction, use the rightmost lane going in the direction you are traveling

Remember to always follow all street signs, signals, and markings. Be sure to stay aware of your surroundings, wear protective gear, and perform consistent maintenance on your bicycle.

Safety Tips for Motorists

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While it is critical for bicyclists to be alert and follow traffic laws, it just as important for motorists to do the same. Edmunds and Yield to Life recommend motorists follow these tips while sharing the road with bicyclists:

  • Appreciate cyclists’ vulnerability
  • Understand bicyclists’s rights
  • Give cyclists at least three feet of clearance
  • Look before you exit your car, so as not to hit an oncoming cyclist with the door of your vehicle
  • Accept that bicyclists are here to stay

Insurance for Accidents Involving Bicycles

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If you are a motorist and drive a vehicle, there is a good chance that you will share the road with cyclists, especially if you are in a place where riding bikes is popular, such as Florida.

Be sure that you have the right insurance coverage in case of an accident involving a cyclist. Comparison shop at least four different insurance policies, and review your policy every six months.

If you are a cyclist, you may want to find out if your standard homeowners and renters insurance policy covers your bicycle.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, there are some insurance coverages that will reimburse you, minus your deductible, if your bike is “stolen or damaged in a fire, hurricane or other disaster listed in your policy.”

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